Form W-9 is not affiliated with IRS

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Form W-9 Texas: What You Should Know

If an organization identifies itself as a “Governmental Organization” (G. O), “Governmental Employee,” “Governmental Agency,” or a “Private Corporation,” the business may be required to submit Form 1095-C if the organization requests information from the IRS. G.O. includes most organizations not listed in section 501(c)(3) but does not include nonprofit organizations. If your organization has a “GEO designation,” you must also file Form 1094-A, Employer Identification (EIN) Information Return, with the IRS at the address provided above under “Required Form(s).” Failure to make these filings can result in revocation of tax exemption or denial of tax exemption. For more information about filing Forms 1094-A and 1095-C, the IRS is located at Website.   Form 1095-C, Identification of Employers of Individuals with Disabilities, (PDF) — Department of Labor, Department of Health and Human Services The Social Security number you provide on Form W-9 must identify a separate tax-exempt organization. Each tax-exempt organization must provide its own TIN number in order to properly identify the organization. Form W-9 is not sufficient to identify a tax-exempt organization. The number provided by an employer is not an acceptable TIN. If you are a tax-exempt organization, the Social Security number (SSN) and EIN information you provided on Form W-9 can be found on the organization's Internal Revenue Identification Number (EIN) and the IRS website. Forms W-9 and 1099-MISC are filed by the taxpayer and are not IRS-related. The Social Security number must appear as an abbreviation in full (SSN or SSN). EIN: IRS The EIN will contain the tax-exempt organization's tax-exempt designation code, the organization's EIN assignment number, and a valid EIN. The assigned EIN will be printed on IRS Tax Forms W-2 and IRS W-3. Form W-2/W-3 — IRS TIN: IRS form is the name of the taxpayer whose Social Security number or U.S. Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) or Individual Taxpayer Number (ITIN/ITIN/SSN) was provided by an employer or provider. Forms W-2 and W-3 are filed by the organization and not by the IRS.

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