If you are applying for a new tax ID or if you do not have an existing ID number, you may have to obtain a new one. You can obtain a new TIN, if any, by using our Tax Identification Number (TIN) Application Service. Click on the following link to go to the Tax Identification Number (TIN) Application Service. If you already have a TIN, you will not need to submit an application for a new one. The tax identification number (TIN) is required when making tax electronic payments, so you must be able to get an ID number to pay with. To obtain a TIN, you can call or use the IRS Online Application System. For help in getting a TIN call the number on your tax form. Use this form to verify your age and citizenship as well as your current address to get a TIN. 2, Date Substitute Authorization for Information Return and Paying Voucher, PDF. Form W-9, Instructions. 3, Payment For Information Return and Paying Voucher, PDF. 4, Payment For Information Return, PDF. 5, Payment Return, PDF. To Use or Cancel Payment. Form W-9. 740, To provide along with payment vouchers to an individual or group for their vendor's business account or for other information returns. (a) Use these vouchers for your vendor's business account for business or business-related expenses. (b) To use a voucher to pay your vendor's business expenses you must submit a copy of his or her tax return. If you are an individual, the only vouchers you can use are the ones provided by your employer. To cancel the purchase of vouchers from the vendor, send a written request and your voucher number to either one of the following: 5, Payment Request; 6, Cancellation of Payment. 7, Cancellation of Payment, PDF.