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Form W-9 online McKinney Texas: What You Should Know

Form W-8B : Employer Identification Number (EIN) for Non-Filing Independent Businesses 路 Forms and instructions (PDF; .pdf). The employer ID number is a unique identifying number that an entity has issued to its owner(s) as evidence that the owner(s) holds a license, permit or other authorization to engage in a particular type of activity as defined by Texas law and IRS Publication 926. Form W-8B: Employer Identification Number (EIN) for the Non-Employee Personal Services Contractor/Business Enterprise 路 Forms and instructions (PDF; .pdf). The employer ID number is a unique identifying number that an entity has issued to its owner(s) as evidence that the owner(s) holds a license, permit or other authorization to engage in a particular type of activity as defined by Texas law and IRS Publication 926. Form W-8B: Employer Identification Number (EIN) to Qualify as an Expanded Independent Business 路 Forms and instructions (PDF; .pdf). To be considered an expanded independent business, a business entity must do the following: 1) make an annual contribution of at least 1 million to the Texas Business Enterprise Zone; 2) be eligible to apply for the Texas Enterprise Zone License; 3) have established a non-federal tax exemption; and 4) pay a tax on its corporate income that is determined by Texas law. Form W-8B: Employer Identification Number (EIN) for the Non-Employee Personal Services Contractor/Business Enterprise 路 Forms and instructions (PDF; .pdf). To be considered a non-employee personal services' contractor, a business entity must do the following: 1) make an annual contribution of at least 1 million to the Texas Business Enterprise Zone; 2) be eligible to apply for the Texas Enterprise Zone License; 3) have established a non-federal tax exemption; and 4) pay a tax on its corporations income. Form W-8B: Employer Identification Number (EIN) to Qualify as a Tax Exempt Business 路 Forms and instructions (PDF; .pdf).

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