Form ST-2055A, Substitute Taxpayer Identification (STI) Purpose: Establish or update a supplier account with the State of Arizona. This form meets the Federal requirements to request a taxpayer identification. Fill Your City's Tax Form for Your County Purpose: Fill out a paper form for your city, then send it back to the state which uses the form. Suspension You can request a Suspension for Noncompliance The following information is provided to help taxpayers determine how to obtain a Suspension for Noncompliance: Filing Requirements: All businesses in Arizona must file a return with the Arizona Department of Revenue (FOR). Businesses must file a return on or before the last day of January, April, August, and November. If you are a contractor, you must file a return on the last day of the third month following the month in which the work was performed. The Arizona Attorney General's office can assist with your filing requirement. How to Obtain a Suspension: Arizona requires that businesses obtain a SUSPENDED FOR NONCOMPLIANCE form by January 11th. A Suspension for Noncompliance form can be obtained through the Arizona Department of Revenue (FOR). You can obtain a Suspension form by calling All Suspension for Non Compliance forms include: a description of the cause of the “suspension” The Suspension (also referred to as a Revocation) form must be accompanied by the Suspension (also referred to as a Revocation) letter from the Chief Counsel for Business in the appropriate Division. Businesses with Suspensions for Non- Comply were required to provide: All Suspension for Non Compliance forms for each separate branch office of the business. Details on the reason for the Suspension (if applicable). Your name, address, and phone number. The Division Director's signature and a description of the cause of the Suspension. All Suspension for Non Compliance forms for each separate branch office of the business. If an agent of the business is filing the Suspension For Non Compliance, the agent must file Suspension For Non Compliance forms You can obtain a Suspension For Non Comply (SUSPENDED FOR NONCOMPLIANCE) application form through the Arizona Department of Revenue (FOR).