In general, the “taxpayer identification number” (TIN) is the 13-digit number assigned to taxpayers in the United States. The IRS issues a W-9 to the payee of an individual who is a resident alien or foreign entity, stating that the payee is being issued a certificate of identity under section 6103 of Title 26, United States Code. The following is a listing of the 10 types of forms that provide the taxpayer identification number (TIN) or the taxpayer's tax identification number (TIN): Form W-5A, Form W-5B, Form W-8B, Form W-8C, Form W-4T, Form W-4I, Form W-7, Form W-10, Form W-5S, Form W-10X, W-10A: Form W-8, Forms W-5A, W-5B, Form W-8B, W-8C, Forms W-4T, Form W-4I, Form W-7 and Form W-10; or Form NTRU, ECN or I-9, or Form 8453, Information Return of Foreign Entities. However, the ECN, ECN or I-9 is not required when the IRS requires you to fill out W-9. Form W-8B (Rev. March 1999) Enter the appropriate TIN in the box provided on the form. In general, you must enter the TIN on all three of the Form W-8B forms. The TIN must not be on any of the Form W-4T forms because that type is not used for tax reporting. However, it is required on form W-5S when reporting foreign corporations and foreign partnerships. Form W-8C (Rev. June 1999) Enter the appropriate TIN on lines 22a, 23a, and 25a. Form W-8E (Rev. March 2000) Enter the appropriate TIN on lines 22b, 23b, and 25b. Form W-8F (Rev. March 2001) and Forms W-8G, W-8H and W-8J (Rev.