FormW9-B — Bakersfield California If you are a vendor who provides goods or services to businesses located in Bakersfield, CA. you will need to register with the Bakersfield Tax Services bureau by filing the FormW9-B with our vendor representative. Form W-9 for All Areas of the U.S. To find and fill out Form W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number, if you don't reside within the United States. For more details, visit: /forms/form. You can also download an updated version of this website at: Taxes on Personal Transactions What is a tax on personal transactions? If you have any personal transactions in this country or abroad, you may be subject to U.S. taxes. We can provide information to assist you. If you have a private account on a U.S. bank, you are required to file a Form 1099 if you have been paid more than your fair market value for goods or services. You can read more here in our article on 1099's and other tax issues: 1099's And Other Tax Issues,” Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Of 2017, IRS Publication 1, 2025 (PDF). The 1099 tax form you may receive at the end of this year will show the value of the goods and services provided in your year. If you have a domestic account on a financial institution like a U.S. bank, credit union or checking or savings account, the U.S. tax on such transactions will depend on the type of account and the amount. You can read more here: Do You Need A 1099-MISC?” Form TANK (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) Some people are eligible for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANK) and some not. For more information, contact your local Social Security office; or, call or. Some states have other state unemployment benefits programs. What is Unemployment? Unemployment is when people who are looking for work can find no jobs and no pay. When millions of working Americans are unemployed, it adds substantially to the pressure on other income from non-salaries or income from government benefits.