The Lehigh County Clerk of the Peace is now selling yearly licenses at and on Leigh County-issued paper license stickers, which will be sold by the county at the county clerk's office, located at the North County Courthouse, 215 South 4th Street, Allentown, PA.  In 2018, license fees will be required at the end of May. All left handed dogs between three and six years old, as well as those with a kennel disability, must get a license. All dogs weighing 30 pounds or more must be licensed. The licenses will be issued in the same form as the 2025 dog fees. Each dog license allows the owner to keep up to four dogs at any one place. License fees are 1.60 plus 2.50 per additional dog, with the cost for additional dogs to be split 50/50 between the buyer and the license holder. Licenses will only be sold online for 2018. No stamps in the mail or licenses available. Visit the LEHIGH COUNTY SHELTER for additional information. For additional information, call. Puppy licenses are 15 for dogs weighing less than 30 pounds and 20 for more than 30 pounds. A one-year license is 60. The license is good for two months of walking, two months of running, and up to two years of ownership. Dogs over six months are eligible only for a one-year license. Puppy licenses are required for all dogs under the age of six months and dogs weighing under 30 pounds. Puppies up to 60 to 62 pounds are required to be licensed and owners will be responsible for paying for a second veterinarian check-up and all required vaccinations. Puppies over 62 pounds will be licensed for four months only, and will need to be weighed every month. There will be no additional cost to a dog owner who is already licensed. Puppies in the city of Allentown may buy licenses at the Lehigh County Animal Shelter. Lehigh County Tax Deductions — Lehigh County tax deductions for individuals are the same as those for couples and families. However, there are a couple of important differences. The deduction is reduced by 10 for an individual and 40 for a family (or 20 million total), depending upon the size of the family.