Form W-9. (Rev. October 2018) β Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration IRS Form W-8B (Requesting W-9), 10/24/2018. This form is used to request information and to obtain information to assist in the preparation of a self-certified statement of account as provided by IRC 6110(e). IRS Form W-9. (Rev. October 2018) β IRS. A W-9 form includes two parts. Part I is identification data about the payee. Part II is the certification, or signature of the taxpayer, confirming that theΒ Form W-9. (Rev. October 2018) β Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration Form W-9. (Rev. October 2018) β IRS. This form is used to request information and to seek information about the IRS for the purpose of preparing a self-certified statement of account provided by IRC 6110(e). Form W9, (Rev. October 2018). Department of the Treasury. Internal Revenue Service. Request for Taxpayer Identification. A W-9 form includes two parts. Part I is identification data about the payee and the certification of the taxpayer confirming that it and any spouse has the required identification information. Part II is the signature of the payer, providing the certification of the number of the payee being used which may be required byΒ IRS W-9. (Rev. October 2018) β Internal Revenue Service. Request Form W-9. (Rev. October 2018) β IRS. A W-9 form includes two parts. Part I is identification information (for spouse) and certification from the payer stating that the identity (including a valid Social Security number) provided is that of a person or other entity filing a tax return whose Federal tax withholding requirements that are based on tax years other than the payer's filing status are met. Part II lists the payee using the code β1.β (The payer's federal tax withholding requirement will not be automatically met by filing Form 1040 (or any other tax return for that matter). A signed or certified W-9 for all persons or entities filing a Form 1040 (or any other tax return for that matter) is required.) Form 1040. (Rev. 12/31/2011). Internal Revenue Service. Form 1040. (Rev. 10/17/2018) U.S.